Admission Arrangements
Our academies / schools seek to serve their local communities: they are inclusive welcoming children of the Christian Faith, of other faiths or of no faith, children from all backgrounds and of all abilities.
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust (PDET) is the admission authority for all of its academies / schools and has responsibility for setting the Admissions Policy. Each academy / school has its own admission arrangements as part of the policy. This includes the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places available (the published admission number or PAN).
Trust Admission Policies
Admissions Policy 2024 - 2025
download_for_offlineAdmissions Policy 2024 - 2025
- Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineAdmissions Policy 2025 - 2026
- Admissions Policy 2026 - 2027 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineAdmissions Policy 2026 - 2027
Visiting an academy / school
If you would like to make an appointment to visit one of our academies / schools, please contact them directly to arrange this.
Making an application
How you make an application will depend on the year group and academy / school you are applying for.
Applying to start school
Applications to start a primary (including junior) academy / school for the first time must be made through the local authority where your child lives (regardless of which county your preferred academies / schools are in):
- North Northamptonshire residents
- West Northamptonshire residents
- Rutland residents
- Peterborough City residents
Applications to join an academy / school during the school year, in any year group (known as in-year applications)
How you make an application will depend on the academy / school you are applying for.
Applications for academies / schools within North Northamptonshire:
Cottingham, Cranford, Freemans Junior, Great Addington, Isham, Loddington, Mears Ashby, Oundle, Pytchley, Ringstead, St Andrews, St Barnabas, St Marys (Burton Latimer), Sywell, Trinity, Weldon.
Applications should be made using the following application form:
Click here to apply for an in-year school place (North Northants PDET Schools)
All applications are managed by our Trust (rather than the Local Authority).
You will be contacted within 15 school days to let you know if a place can be offered.
Applications for academies / schools within Peterborough:
William Law, Peakirk-cum-Glinton, Newborough
Applications should be made to Peterborough City Council who coordinate the application process. Applications for academies / schools within West Northamptonshire:
Barby, Blakesley, Braunston, Collingtree, Greens Norton, Guilsborough, Kislingbury, Milton, Silverstone, Spratton, St James, St Lukes, Staverton, Towcester, Welford, Sibbertoft and Sulby.
Applications for academies / schools within Rutland:
Applications should be made using the following application form:
Click here to apply for an in-year school place (West Northants and Rutland PDET Schools)
All applications are managed by our Trust (rather than the Local Authority).
You will be contacted within 15 school days to let you know if a place can be offered.
Some of our schools have faith criterion within their oversubscription criteria. If you wish to apply on faith grounds, please complete the school's Supplementary Information Form (SIF) in addition to the process above which is available on the individual school's website.
Appeals timetable
If you have applied and been refused a place at one of our schools (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision.
Appeals for PDET academies are administered by The Diocese of Peterborough Education team. For more information on the process please see here.
If you wish to appeal please contact the Appeals Administrator by emailing and ask for an appeals pack.
The pack includes some explanatory notes about the process of Admission Appeals and a Notice of Appeal form that, should you decide to proceed with an appeal, will need to be completed and returned by email if possible, but if not, to the Diocesan Office instead.
In year admission appeals
In year admissions appeals are heard as soon as possible after receipt of the Notice of Appeal form. Decision letters are sent within five working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances.
Timetable for appeals in relation to September 2025 applications
16th April 2025 National Offer Day 20th May 2025 (9:00 am) Deadline for lodging on-time appeals Week commencing 16th June 2025 Notification of the hearing date and time and Statement of Case to be sent to appellants 20th June 2025 Deadline for additional evidence Week commencing 7th July 2025 Appeal dates
Appeals will be heard on Zoom
Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances.
- Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026 download_for_offline