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Freemans Endowed C.E Junior Academy on the road to Outstanding Ofsted result


Freemans Endowed C.E Junior Academy recently received an amazing Ofsted report stating the school would be judged Outstanding if a graded inspection were to take place.

At the end of the summer term, the school received a Section 8 visit from the education inspectorate. This type of visit is to monitor schools that have been previously judged as ‘Good’ in a graded inspection.

Inspectors found the school showed such evidence of improved performance since its last graded inspection in 2017, that it could be judged as ‘Outstanding’ if a full inspection were to take place now.

Described in the report as a “warm, friendly and happy school”, Freemans Endowed was praised to inspectors by parents and pupils alike, with one child saying that he considered “’pupils were lucky to come to the school’”. Parents valued the school’s “aspirational culture”, with one parent quoted as summing up the feelings of many others in saying “’The school is fantastic. All the staff have given my child an excellent and positive start to their educational journey.’”

The ambitious curriculum, strong subject expertise and a skilled teaching staff were all noted in the report as contributing to the overall success of the school, leading to pupils who are “motivated and behave well in class” with “a real interest and curiosity in their learning”.

Co-curricular opportunities for pupils, such as visitors to the school, trips and residentials, were praised as supporting pupils’ personal development, along with opportunities to develop civic responsibility through an eco-committee, fundraising events and the school council.

We look forward to updates on the school's ongoing growth and achievements.