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Peterborough Diocese Education Trust

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Welcome from the CEO

Peterborough Diocese Education Trust (PDET) is a multi-academy trust formed by the Peterborough Diocese Board of Education as a natural home for church schools in the Peterborough Diocese that wish to become an academy and part of a MAT. 

We believe that we can achieve more by working together as one highly committed team, to ensure that every child within our Trust experiences an excellent education and realises their God-given potential to flourish. We embrace the Church of England’s Vision for Education, seeking to educate for wisdom and knowledge, hope and aspiration, community and living well together and dignity and respect. We believe in the infinite worth of each person; children deserve the very best education and hence, we support our colleagues to provide this.

Our family of academies / schools have their own unique identities, seeking to serve their local communities. They are inclusive, welcoming children of the Christian faith, of other faiths or of no faith. Although the multi-academy trust was formed initially to support church schools, the Trust is happy to work with any community school that shares its vision and values.

Ruth Walker-Green
Chief Executive Officer